Saturday, November 22, 2008

Now public

Well no one said that they didn't want this to be public, so I have just made it a public blog. Maybe we can get some good feedback and/or inspire others.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Additions to Chris's

Here is what I have done on Chris's block so far. I think these flowers look great on the other side for the block form Kathi's grapes. Now I need to figure out something to add today............decisions, decisions, decisions!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Progress on Lou's block round 2

Here are some photos of what I have been doing on Lou's block, this has been really fun, and I am not even halfway done.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Plans for round 3 on Chris's block

On the right is Chris's block with Kathi's additions. It is really pretty and I just love the SRE grapes she did. On the left are some of the fibers I have pulled that I am gonna use on it. I may add a few more things but you can get an idea of the colors I am choosing. I have already done a little work using the variegated Pearl cotton Embroidery floss I get yesterday at Hobby Lobby just for this project. I also got the dark blue one. I will post a photo in a few days so you can see how it is starting to look with some of these beautiful array of fibers and colors.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kathi's round 1 done

Ok big deal I only added one element! Can you find it? Ok it is the second row of semi circles around the fan. I was going to add flowers but the more I got to thinking about it the more I realized that this could get pretty complex and time consuming so I decided to just add the extra green I had origionaly planned. Figure someone else can add to that backdrop................I really like it. I saw it on a blog a few weeks back and immediatly thought of Kathi's fan on her block. Yep call me the problem child and LATE to boot. I am getting this in the mail today. I hope that the extra detail was worth the delay. If you click on the photo you can see it better. There are two colors of green in there and I love that effect!

Lou's block

I got Lou's block in the mail yesterday from Cris. I have already started working on it. This will be fun! And Lou, the photo you sent is gorgeous! I wish I was that photogenic.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lou's block

Ta da! Despite Lou's instructions to the contrary, I found that once I started embroidering seams I just couldn't stop. I used kind of "chunkier" threads and larger, more widely spaced stitches than I might have in hopes of making Kathi's layering step easier.

Even though it wasn't my "turn" to add beads, since everyone liked the idea of a spider, that's in there, too.

Plan to mail Friday at the latest.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ami's Block-Take 2

OK So I added some seam treatments to the sky.  Please disregard my last post.  I tried to delete it but I can figure out how.  Anywho, I think I am done with Ami's block and will be sending it out friday.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ami's Block

I have added a Weeping WIllow tree and I have beaded the sun on Ami's block.  Any one have some ideas what I should do next?  I am thinking it is enough but I am not sure.  I will see if I can add a picture.  

Monday, November 3, 2008

Cris's block done

Here is Cris's block. I have finished it. I will wait til closer to the 15th to mail to Ami, since I am hoping to finish a quilt top I want Ami to quilt for me and I will send them together. Cris, hope you like what I added. I had to do a little SRE, it was begging for grapes. I also used a little bit of lace that Lou sent me as a hostess gift.